Your One-Stop Shop for African-American Goods

At Zawadi Books in Columbus, OH, we retail books in multiple genres. However, we mainly carry reading materials that celebrate and talk about the African-American experience. In addition, our shop offers natural body products and cultural items.

To produce our merchandise, we use unique materials that you can’t easily find in other local stores. Contact us to place an order today.

Meet the Owner

This is the placeholder text for the subheading. It will typically contain more information regarding your business, often about the products or services. Your company’s team or biography may also be featured here. Per our guidelines, no more than 4 lines can be featured per paragraph for the sake of readability.

How We Started

This is the placeholder text for the subheading. It will typically contain more information regarding your business, often about the products or services. Your company’s team or biography may also be featured here. Per our guidelines, no more than 4 lines can be featured per paragraph for the sake of readability.